Sticky notes on speeding up Clang builds and rebuilds. Expect a lot of edits.
The first issue is that Makefiles generated by CMake don’t always incldue header information. Not to mention C++ can recursively add in headers.
clang++ -H hello.cpp
That will list all the headers.
I couldn’t get to work. First you have to use gtime under OSX and sed needs different flags
sed -i 'something' #Linux
sed -i -e 'something' #OSX
Here is what I ended up using, call this file rusage_cpp.
exec gtime -f '%e (elapsed) rc=%x elapsed=%e user=%U system=%S maxrss=%M avgrss=%t ins=%I outs=%O minflt=%R majflt=%F swaps=%W avgmem=%K avgdata=%D argv="%C"' clang++ -H "$@"
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/rusage_cpp
Next what about those headers? Clang supports precompiling them
Next, some sort of caching of objecy files
How much faster is clang if you throw it all the things to compile at once instead of one object at a time?
How cache oblivious are Clang’s string data structures?